When to Replace Your Roof?

A lot of homeowners find themselves asking the age old question “When is it time to replace my roof?”. Well there are a lot of different factors that can help determine roof replacement like:

  • How old is your roof?

  • Did you recently experience a hail storm or high winds?

  • Are there currently any leaks that you know of?

  • Are your gutters full of shingle granules?

These are some of the main questions or signs to look out for when determining whether or not it’s time to replace your roof. The best thing to do is call a professional roofing company out and have your roof inspected. Doing nothing and hoping for the best is not a solution we recommend!

Hail Storms

Here in Texas, we’re no stranger to hail storms. The Greater Houston area usually gets 3-4 major hail storms every year. Hail season usually starts in March and goes on through August, but with our sometimes chaotic weather, it can vary outside of those parameters. When hail falls from the sky and hits your roof it leaves impacts. These impacts can penetrate your shingles and allow water to gradually get inside your home. Even small hail can be enough to classify your roof as a total loss. You might get hit by a hail storm and think you’re fine or “there aren’t any leaks in my house!”, but the water damage doesn’t always come right away. By the time the water gets inside your home and you finally notice there could be rotten decking not covered by insurance, leaving you with thousands of dollars in repairs out of your own pocket. 

You might notice some black circles on your roof. These could be impacts from a hail stone falling from the sky. It’s important to have an experienced roofer come out and take a look because an inexperienced roofer could mistake these dark spots for “blisters” for hail. 

Blisters are small black cracks found on roofs from poor ventilation. We’ll include a section on “what to do if you have blistering on your roof”, but what’s very important is having someone experienced enough to spot the difference, because your insurance company will NOT cover blistering! A good contractor will do an inspection and let you know your options. A BAD contractor will not be able to spot the difference and tell you to file a claim for damage not covered.

Wind Storms

Houston is no stranger to wind storms! As I write this article on March 3, 2023, we had crazy winds, just last night. I can look out my front door window and see my neighbors shingles on the ground. Don’t worry, they know who to call! 

Everyone in Greater Houston is aware of hurricane season. Most of us remember Hurricane Harvey and the devastating damage our city was left with. Unfortunately, in addition to hail, hurricanes are another thing we have to deal with every year. Hurricane Harvey had winds over 140mph! Even some of the best shingles money can buy, with infinite wind warranties, do not cover hurricanes with names (like Harvey or Katrina). 

There are several ways to determine if your roof has wind damage. If you see shingles on the ground that’s a major red flag. They didn’t get there by accident! Some shingles can still be on the roof, but bent or damaged by wind, so again, it’s best to have a professional perform an inspection. If you’re missing shingles or have damaged shingles, water will find its way into your roof!

Old Age

So maybe your roof made it past the hail and wind! So how long should your roof last? Well in a perfect world, with perfect weather every roof would last 30-50 years. I would argue that Texas is a perfect place to live, but our weather…not so much. It gets so hot here that the shingles currently on your roof will melt to your feet in July and August. Due to our humidity, algae thrives  here. When you see shingles starting to turn black, that’s from algae! So in Texas you’ll see roof lifespan anywhere from 15-30 years. If your roof made it 15 years past the wind and hail, that’s not a bad run! 

What happens over time is that shingles start to get brittle and break easy. Shingles are covered in granules made of asphalt. If your roof is old, take a look in your gutters and you’ll probably notice they are full of granules. The granules are the first line of defense, after that it’s just a fiberglass mat. If you look on your roof and it looks shiny or like spider webs, that’s the fiberglass mat, which is the last line of defense! When you can see fiberglass, it’s time to call a roofer. 

How Much Should I Expect to Pay?

Unfortunately there’s no straight answer to this question. There are a lot of variables including size, complexity and pitch of the roof. The good news is that if there’s enough storm damage and you file a successful claim, the only out of pocket expense you’ll be responsible for is your deductible. 

If you’re looking for a cash bid we are able to offer very competitive rates. We are able to keep our prices competitive without sacrificing quality by implementing technology and software that gives us incredibly accurate estimates. 

Call an Expert Today!

Whether you already know it’s time to replace the roof, or you need an expert opinion - Parveztone Roofing and Construction has you covered. Give us a call or text anytime for a zero obligation, free inspection!


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